Sunday, February 24, 2008

Congressional "earmarks"

Did anyone watch Bill Moyer on PBS, along with Expose? (

The program featured an investigative reporter, David Heath's, research on over 12,000 "earmarks" in one year, totaling $12 billion, on funding bills. Earmarks are add-ons to major bills, many at the last minute before passage. What is so wrong or unethical is that many of these earmarks provide funding for dubious, ludicrous, conflict-of-interest, or other questionable causes. Lobbyists and campaign funders factor heavily in these earmarks. Some congressional members stand out more than others.

I know there's alot of graft and corruption out there but it sure is easier to go about the day-to-day living in "lower capacities" of pleasure as far as external events go. This course is shaking my conscienciousness in ways that make it harder to not get involved. Jane

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