Tuesday, March 25, 2008

“Global Warming” A Manufactured Crisis…

I recently read an article mentioning Al Gore being sued for manufacturing a crisis using blatantly false information. Actually, the lawsuit is for selling “Carbon Credits” to help companies/people offset their Carbon emissions (as a result consumers are greeted with higher utility costs by companies who sold their emissions credits to make money and raised prices to force consumers to use less). But I would like to stick to the crisis of global warming.
You can basically pinpoint the exact day people became scared of Global Warming. The day Al Gore’s movie, “An Inconvenient Truth” debuted in theatres. A court in Great Britain who ruled against showing the film in schools stated that there were 11 inaccuracies presented in this film. (See below for the inaccurate facts.)
I believe there is an ethical issue with using scare tactics for one's own personal agenda. That it is unethical for political figures to irresponsibly bring publicity and hysteria to a controversy if the facts are not sound. Especially if it may cause economic ripples and harm businesses and/or consumers. By putting out false information, governments and companies have had to react and have spent billions of dollars to deal with the issues. Regardless, the emissions/carbon issue in the US and EU has continued to rage on. In a recent meeting, world leaders have called for the US to spend $180 billion/year to fight this unproven “crisis”. This money should be spent on healthcare, homeless, education or NECESSARY WARS!

False facts in the film according to expert testimonies in a Great Britain court:
· “The film claims that melting snows on Mount Kilimanjaro evidence global warming. The Government's expert was forced to concede that this is not correct.
· The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.
· The film uses emotive images of Hurricane Katrina and suggests that this has been caused by global warming. The Government's expert had to accept that it was "not possible" to attribute one-off events to global warming.
· The film shows the drying up of Lake Chad and claims that this was caused by global warming. The Government's expert had to accept that this was not the case.
· The film claims that a study showed that polar bears had drowned due to disappearing arctic ice. It turned out that Mr Gore had misread the study: in fact four polar bears drowned and this was because of a particularly violent storm.
· The film threatens that global warming could stop the Gulf Stream throwing Europe into an ice age: the Claimant's evidence was that this was a scientific impossibility.
· The film blames global warming for species losses including coral reef bleaching. The Government could not find any evidence to support this claim.
· The film suggests that the Greenland ice covering could melt causing sea levels to rise dangerously. The evidence is that Greenland will not melt for millennia.
· The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.
· The film suggests that sea levels could rise by 7m causing the displacement of millions of people. In fact the evidence is that sea levels are expected to rise by about 40cm over the next hundred years and that there is no such threat of massive migration.
· The film claims that rising sea levels has caused the evacuation of certain Pacific islands to New Zealand. The Government are unable to substantiate this and the Court observed that this appears to be a false claim.”

1 comment:

Derek Guyton said...

Here is the the UK article that was discussed.
