Monday, May 5, 2008


After reading the article “Confessions of a Sweatshop Inspector”, I have several thoughts as follows:

1) In China, The New Labor Contract Law, taking effect on Jan. 1, 2008, entitles employees of at least 10 years' standing to sign contracts that protect them from dismissed without cause. The law also requires employers to contribute to employees' social security accounts and sets wage standards for employees on probation and working overtime. This law was hot-debated, a lot of companies reacted strongly to this. However, I personally think it’s a great beginning to protect and offer welfare to these people. In my understanding, without them, there is no prosperous China in today.

2) How sweatshop develops? I think, to certain extent, sweatshop is the direct product of pursuing profit by companies in developed countries and companies and/or government in developing countries. Nike or Walmart, they didn’t open the sweatshop, but the way they run the business lead the emergence and popularity of sweatshops around the world. Why factories in China want to do bad to their employers? They argue that the pay from American corps is too low. Every powerful one involved has its own voice and points; we need the real voice from the workers. The union could be a great way.

3) As the article states in the end, everyone should be concerned about and pay attention to these people. It’s not one or two people or organizations’ duties or issues in the global village.


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