Monday, April 28, 2008

Global Equilibrium Out of Balance

A recent study of ice cores over a hundred thousand years old has negative indications about our atmosphere. According to scientists, a natural balance exists between carbon dioxide emissions and the planet’s ability to absorb them. Earth is no longer capable of maintaining this balance. The imbalance is caused by excess carbon emission into the atmosphere. This may be considered as a cause of the climate change in recent years. This study of ice cores has attracted much attention to criticism based around global warming.
The natural balance is a finely tuned process that has evolved over thousands of years. Human activities now produce carbon dioxide somewhere around 14,000 times faster than nature. This pace began during the industrial revolution and has increased ever since. Leading causes of carbon dioxide emission include the burning of gas, fuel and coal. The planet and atmosphere will naturally absorb all of the excess carbon dioxide produced, but it may take hundreds of thousands of years to do so.

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