Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Steriods and the Spirit of the Law

Professor’s Silver evaluation of the steroid scandal in sports in Chapter Five, highlighted some recent cases. Steroids are harmful and the results they produce can be quite addictive. His conclusion that these athletes were not following the spirit of the law is a true depiction of the situation. You can not tell me that these athletes were unaware that what they were doing what skirting the system. Sport leagues have created these rules in order to create a fair playing field and to protect their assets. The athletes should take this more seriously.

I agree with the creation of stricter and more clearly defined rules to prevent these situations. With this said, I have never understood why Congress felt it was necessary to get involved in this scandal. I believe that this is something that should have been handled by the league. Perhaps the government should focus on preventing the corporate scandals that actually impact our financial lives.

Corporations have and will continue to bend the rules as long as our government allows it. Especially when the government allows deferred prosecution agreements in the place of a conviction. This creates a culture that is almost encouraged to bend to rules and test the limits.

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