Tuesday, May 13, 2008

House Bill 1515

Microsoft's stand in this case seems unclear to me. Well it is clear that they are pro-gay it is not clear what the business angle to it is. Assuming that there was no business oriented motive to it it is even more vague as to why they backed out of the legislation.

The threat of a Pastor of a church could not have been the only reason for their withdrawal. Cause it is hard to imagine that a company whose software literally rides every PC save the niche market PC's like MAC and the occasional Linux would back down because it felt threatened!

Although i see value in the point that the write up raises about companies not getting involved in common legislation that we as a community should unite to make real, it contradicts with some other systems that we practice as a society. In the days of CSR, corporate governance is a major proponent of several social policies like the movement against apartheid. It was the involvement of corporations that help end the practice. That being the case, why can't corporations take the natural step ahead and voice their stand in the issue legally? How different is that from discrimination on the basis of sexuality?

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