Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Should Corporations be involved in social issues & policies?

I really think Microsoft and all corporations should stay away from all social issues unless there are no other options. I think Microsoft will be better off not taking a stand on this issue from the start and maintain a neutral position on the bill. Furthermore, I do not think that recruiting will be affected by not taking a side against or in favor of Gay rights.

I do believe everyone should have equal rights, especially when it comes to issues related to essential rights such as housing and education. But, corporation should not make decisions people make decisions. Corporations are generally more powerful than individuals when it comes to politics and policy-making and by interfering; they are only taking power from the people and the democratic process. The people with equal votes should make these moral and social decisions.
Microsoft’s shifting stand on this issue has only created controversy and distrust. Now, Microsoft’s employees will never know if their employer is supporting or is against the issue. More importantly, by shifting sides, customers that support or do not support gay right will be aggravated by the fact that Microsoft once was against their beliefs.

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