Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Crisis in South America

Latin America is currently facing one of the worst diplomatic crises in recent years driven by the news of the killing of a senior rebel leader of Colombia. Over the past weekend, a Colombian military raid went into Ecuador’s territory and killed 21 guerrillas. This has been viewed as a clear territorial violation and raised the highly controversial situation between these 2 countries. Shortly after the news went public, Ecuador & Venezuela expelled Colombia’s ambassador and other diplomatic personnel from their embassies. The question everyone now has is: Who is right? Are Colombia’s actions justified? Has Venezuela & Ecuador taken reasonable reactions?

How different are Colombia’s action from the United States situation in Afghanistan & Iraq? I think Colombia is seeking for the same peace, freedom & liberty that the United States seeks in the Middle East as the United States was searching for weapons of mass destruction & terrorist. This week Colombia did the same thing and their neighbors react by expelling them from their countries? It does not make any sense; it seems like all of these Countries have a lot to hide and are trying to look better by throwing dirt at their neighbor’s faces. This childish behavior from the leaders of these Countries will only make things worse. Now, I am not trying to judge anybody, but it is just frustrating to see the leaders of our countries behaving this way & setting the bad example by closing the channels of communication & severance.
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/04/world/americas/04venez.html

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