Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's Mrs. Spitzer's Fault! (what?)

Let's talk about ethical issues, not of Mr. Spitzer but of his wife. Should she be standing by her man with her head held high knowing that her husband did what he did. Dr. Laura Schlessinger thinks she is to blame as to why he cheated in the first place. This is an interesting article:

Also, read the blog below the video to hear what other people are saying. I think she is doing the morally ethical thing but not the right thing. I believe she should not be by her husband's side in all of this but morally, she is showing the world that she "loves" him. Personally, I feel that she is staying with him through all of the turmoil just long enough so that she can angle the situation to benefit her needs. (ie-book deal)

As Dr. Laura suggests, she is to blame for not fulfilling his needs. How ethical is Dr. Laura being in making such a a comment on a widely watched news show? This entire situation is crazy and I am wondering what everyone is thinking:

Is it Mrs. Spitzer's fault that he spent about $80,000 on prostitutes?

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