Thursday, March 13, 2008

Inmate Care- State of Delaware Part II

Duane Williams, an inmate who was incarcerated in Delaware, passed away yesterday of complications stemming from Hepatitis C and Diabetes. He was mistakenly injected with contaminated insulin while serving a three year sentence for drug and weapon offenses. The nurse who drew the dose of contaminated insulin was employed by CMS. Although both the State of Delaware and CMS have acknowledged the recent death, neither party has assumed any responsibility.
CMS is a healthcare provider who is currently under contract with the State of Delaware. They are responsible for provide necessary medical care to inmates in correctional institutions. However, CMS is in business to generate profit. Is this in the best interest of both inmates and taxpayers? Any profitable company can increase net income by either increasing revenue or decreasing costs. The existing contract’s revenue is capped. Has CMS been forced to reduce costs in order to remain profitable?
Delaware’s prison health care system has been under scrutiny for the past few years. In 2006, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights division conducted research on the existing conditions of this topic. Delaware acknowledged the need for improvement and agreed to progress in the right direction. To what extent did the health care system improve since the investigation?

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