Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Yahoo... Extended Information !!

Here is the answers to the question raised in the class

why not Google was forced?

Google and Microsoft have opted not to offer e-mail services hosting user data inside the PRC. Despite the fact that Gmail would work a lot better for Chinese users if they did so, and Google would probably be making more money in China in the short run if they did so.
Yahoo brand, didn't care about their inevitable future complicity with human rights violations, or they were not thinking.

The Shi Tao case was actually solved in Novemeber 2007.The settlement comes after Yahoo executives last week went to Capitol Hill to apologize to family members of the dissidents and to get a tongue-lashing by lawmakers for the company's role in the jailings.


After this incidence the Yahoo also insists it must comply with local laws in areas where it operates but it was rejected .

This doesnt end here recntly the Yahoo sued again by Chinese dissidents on Feburary 28th 2008.

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