Monday, March 10, 2008

Inmate Care- State of Delaware

On the front page of yesterday’s News Journal, an article titled “Sick, Hurt, Disgusted” caught my attention. Duane Williams, an inmate of Gander Hill Prison, is currently suffering from liver failure. This is a result of having both Diabetes and Hepatitis C. Williams first noticed symptoms four months ago, and reported this condition on six separate occasions.
Inmates in Delaware correctional systems are cared for by a third party—CMS. One of the responsibilities of this company is to administer drugs. As a diabetic, Williams required Insulin on a regular basis. A nurse working for CMS injected Williams with a dose of insulin which was contaminated with Hepatitis C. Of the 46 people injected, Williams is one of six who tested positive for illness.
After four months of illness in prison, Williams finally received necessary attention. Was it too late? The State of Delaware may be under scrutiny from Williams’ family if he does not recover. Should inmates be treated like any other citizen while incarcerated? Since the State of Delaware contracts out medical work to a third party, will they be held responsible for the condition of an inmate? One thing is certain. Williams did not deserve to be infected with Hepatitis C. But is this a consequence of his irrational behavior which landed him in prison?

1 comment:

snowy705 said...

as of last night, he passed away. he did not recover.

whatever bad things he did in his life--not that far off from most on the planet, negligance and medical malpractice caused this outcome and should not have happened. and, certainly, death and suffering were not part of his sentence.

basic human rights were violated and ignored. with the newest stats saying that 1 in 100 americans are incarcerated, something must change.

he was a person, a father and a friend. most inmates are.